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Event Listing

Leadership Exchange in Arts & Disability 2024 Conference

Programme Details


Seattle, WA

Capacity Building Workshops: July 29 and 30

Conference: July 31 - August 2

Venue: Hyatt Regency Seattle, 808 Howell St, Seattle, WA 98101


Join us in Seatle, WA, July 29 - August 2, 2024 for the Leadership Exchange in Arts and Disability conference.  


The LEAD® conference not only introduces those new to the field to cultural accessibility solutions, but provides ongoing learning, support, camaraderie, and inspiration—necessary fuel for anyone working to change the status quo. 

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Photo credit: LEAD


LEAD offers:


  • One-of-a-kind professional development. No other conference focuses on accessibility in cultural venues like LEAD®. The conference provides an intimate, rich atmosphere to engage arts professionals of all experience levels. 
  • Access to ideas. Attendees can tap into the collective “brain trust” of arts managers from museums, theaters, parks, zoos, libraries, and other cultural venues from around the world. 
  • Access to experts. The Kennedy Center engages leading thinkers in the field to present at the conference. And after the event, attendees are invited to join an exclusive listserv to continue the conversation and ask questions. 
  • Networking opportunities. LEAD® has a number of networking opportunities both during the conference and at evening social events where attendees can meet and mingle with colleagues from around the world in an open and safe forum. 
  • Practical information. Participants leave with ideas and practices that can be implemented at their organizations right away. 
  • Something for everyone. LEAD® has sessions and workshops for beginners and the more experienced.  
  • Experiential opportunities. LEAD® provides the opportunity to experience accessibility services and programs. Through pre-conference Capacity Building Workshops and optional performances with accessibility services, attendees can see access in action. 


2024 LEAD Official Website



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