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AWD Directory

YEUNG Siu Fong

Yeung Siu Fong, an ADA Green Leaf Artist (2012-2014), is passionate in art creation, and she paints exquisite works of the nature with her feet instead of hands. Inspired by her teacher in 2007, she started learning Chinese painting, watercolour painting and abstract painting. Siu Fong likes drawing natural sceneries which bring her a sense of peace. She hopes to continue with her creation and become a product designer, as well as to make a better life with creativity.

 “Youth Artist Award”, the 5th Youth Arts Festival, co-presented by Hong Kong Playground Association and RTHK TeenPower
 2013 Hong Kong Spirit Ambassador, Hong Kong Spirit
 W I Cheung Scholarship, The Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong
 Good Student Award,“Good Student.Good Teacher Commendation Scheme”, Szeto Wah Education Fund
 Bronze Award (“Road”), “Cross all Borders: Hong Kong Festival Showcasing New Visual
 Artists with Disabilities 2012”(Youth Division), Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong (ADA)
 Winner, “ATV Hong Kong Loving Hearts Campaign 2012”, ATV
 Ten Outstanding Warriors of Regeneration, Regeneration Society
 Kwun Tong Outstanding Student, co-presented by Kwun Tong Outstanding Students’ Association and Youth Kwun Tong
 Merit Award,The 6th Hong Kong Outstanding Teens Election, co-presented by Hong Kong Playground Association and RTHK Radio 2
 Shell / Island Jaycees Scholarship for The Disabled, co-presented by Shell Hong Kopng Limited, Island Junior Chamber Limited,
 Education Bureau, Hong Kong Special Schools Council, Social Welfare Department

“Allianz Football Exhibition”, AllianzGI AP
 “Cross all Borders: Hong Kong Festival Showcasing New Visual Artists with Disabilities 2014”(Finalist), Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong (ADA)
  “Festival of Inclusive Arts 2013”, Inclusive Arts Exhibition, ADA
 “I Paint Christmas Tree” Joint Creation, Maritime Square iWish Training Camp
 Model, “World Boutique, Hong Kong”, Hong Kong Trade Development Council
 “WeWow Rabbit Charity Scheme”, Hong Kong Society For Education In Art
 “Cross all Borders: Hong Kong Festival Showcasing New Visual Artists with Disabilities”(Finalist), ADA
 “Embracing Life Exhibition”, Centre for Community Cultural Development

18th July, 2014, HKTDC, 25th Book Fair, Yeung Siu Fong's Book Launch & Talk (Chinese version only)

Cross All Borders: Hong Kong Festival Showcasing New Visual Artists with Disabilities 2014 - Finalist of Youth Division: Yeung Siu Fong “The Missing Smile”

2nd December, 2012, ATV,“ATV Hong Kong Loving Hearts Campaign 2012 Presentation Ceremony”(Chinese version only)

Media Coverage
2021 / 7 / 1
【RTHK】《同理‧繼續傾》隔離‧鄰舍:肢體殘疾藝術工作者楊小芳 (Chinese Version Only)

2019 / 7 / 22
【i-cable】《小事大意義》-足印奇跡 (Chinese version only)

2019 / 7 / 19
【Stand News】一場概念藝術展覽的殘障美學﹕評楊小芳《身體圖式》個人創作展 (Chinese version only)

2019 / 7 / 6
【Metropop】我寄居在我的身體裡 (Chinese version only)

2015 / 9 / 14
【The Sun】 REDFINE Art Exhibition shows beauty of disabled arts (Chinese version only)

2015 / 8 / 28
【Tai Kung Pao】 Joint exhibition by 11 young artists (Chinese version only)

2013 / 11 / 16
【Sing Tao Daily】Feet Painting by Spirit Ambassadors, Having Fun in Photography in a Silent World (Chinese Version Only)

2013 / 10 / 24
【The Standard】Ambassadors with ‘can-do’ spirit

2013 / 10 / 24
【am730】Not Giving Up, a Teenage Girl with Physical Disabilities Was Appointed as Hong Kong Spirit Ambassador (Chinese Version Only)

2013 / 9 / 26
【星島日報】無臂藝術少女 細說「再生」經歷

2012 / 9 / 30
【MingPao】Girl without arms, paint her rainbow with toes (Chinse version only)

2012 / 7 / 1
【ATV】ATV Hong Kong Loving Hearts Campaign 2012: Yeung Siu Fong (Chinese version only)

2012 / 5 / 30
【RTHK】The Works: Interview of Yeung Siu Fong (Chinese version only)

2012 / 1 / 4
【SOBEM】SOBEM: Proud of my feets - Yeung Siu Fong (Chinese version only)

2011 / 12 / 4
【Hong Kong Daily News】Artist with and without disabilities show love and positive through drawing (Chinese version only)

2011 / 11 / 21
【am 730】Girl draw beautiful life with her feet (Chinse version only)

2011 / 11 / 21
【HK Headline Daily】Girl draws her Charismas dream with feet (Chinse version only)

2011 / 1 / 20
【Ming Pao】“Girl with physical disability applaud for her confidence in the catwalk”(Chinse version only)

2011 / 1 / 18
【Ming Pao】Armless girl stride on world-class catwalk

2010 / 9 / 21
【Oriental Daily】Artists with disability draw rainbow with feet (Chinse version only)

2010 / 9 / 21
【The Sun】Painting dreams with feet, art crosses boarders (Chinse version only)

2010 / 9 / 20
【Hong Kong Economy Journal】Inspiring! Girl with disability show art talent (Chinse version only)

2010 / 8 / 19
【Apple Daily】Provocative girl live a new life with feet (Chinse version only)

2009 / 6 / 29
【HK Headline Daily】Lost arms in electric shock, Fong from swimming team paint rainbow with feet (Chinse version only)
Artistic Creation
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