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Wong Yun Chuen

Wong Yun-chuen loves painting since a young age and displays his strengths in ink painting and acrylic painting. He picked up his drawing pens then, painting as he liked with enjoyment when the other students played around. He is also excelled in using different kinds of drawing tools including pencils, ballpoint pens, colour pencils, brushes and marker pens.

He has participated in many art competitions and exhibitions. His artworks include a scroll painting merging Eastern and Western culture named “The West coming to the East” which he took half year to finish and imitate “Along the River During the Ching-ming Festival”. Other artworks including “Peaceful” which was awarded the Gold Prize of “Cross All Borders: Hong Kong Festival Showcasing New Visual Artists with Disabilities 2012” (Youth Division) , while “Pat Sin Welcoming Lion” was awarded Silver Prize of “Cross All Borders: Hong Kong Festival Showcasing New Visual Artists with Disabilities 2014” (Youth Division).

He hopes to express his inner mind and also capture the moment of the society and citizens’ life through painting.

Artist Profile

2012-Present ADA Greenleaf Artists

 Silver Prize (“Pat Sin Welcoming Lion”), “Cross All Borders: Hong Kong Festival Showcasing New Visual Artists with Disabilities 2014”(Youth Division), Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong (ADA) 
 “Youth Artist Award”, the 5th Youth Arts Festival, co-presented by Hong Kong Playground Association and RTHK TeenPower
 Champion, “Inclusion .Love . Art @ Autism, International Painting Exhibition Contest” (Open Division), SAHK
 Gold Prize (“Peaceful”), “Cross All Borders: Hong Kong Festival Showcasing New Visual Artists with Disabilities 2012” (Youth Division) , ADA
 Certificate of Honors, Instrumental Group, “The 63th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival” (Classes for Special Schools), Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association (HKSMSA)
 Certificate of Proficiency, Solo Verse Speaking - Cantonese“The 63th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival” (Chinese Speech), HKSMSA

 “Creativity to Independence”Inclusive Exhibition 2016, ADA
 “Metro Harbour Plaza 2015 CNY Decoration and Activity”, Metro Harbour Plaza
 “Shenzhen - Hong Kong Arts Angels Exhibition”, Shenzhen Volunteers Association
 Wall-painting, Mary Rose School
 Mary Rose School’s 40th anniversary exhibition (ink and wash painting demonstration), Mary Rose School

Cross All Borders: Hong Kong Festival Showcasing New Visual Artists with Disabilities 2014 - Sliver Prize of Youth Division: Wong Yun-chuen “Pat Sin Welcoming Lion”

Cross All Borders: Hong Kong Festival Showcasing New Visual Artists with Disabilities 2014 - Finalist of Youth Division: Wong Yun-chuen “Overlooking lamma island

Media Coverage
2018 / 9 / 24
【Ming Pao Weekly】藝無疆十周年 跨越界限 (Chinese version only)

2018 / 9 / 13
【Sing Tao Daily News】展能顯才華 藝術無疆界 (Chinese version only)

2015 / 7 / 1
【Sing Tao Daily】Artists with disabilities draw their dream on dragon boat (Chinese version only)

2015 / 2 / 2
【Tai Kung Pao】Lanterns made of Artist with Disabilities’ artworks (Chinese version only)

2014 / 6 / 5
【RTHK DAB 31】Community Involvement Broadcast - The Way We Are: Colorful Life - Arts with disabled (Chinese version only)

2011 / 11 / 3
【Sing Tao Daily】Everyone can draw: Along the River During the Ching-ming Festival (Chinese version only)
Artistic Creation
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